
A day at the beach! On the way we picked up tasty treats from the bakery, there are tons of  them anywhere you go in Greece and have Tiropites (Cheese Pies), Spanakopites (Spinach Pies) and other amazing eats!


Fresh Doughnut
Fresh Doughnut
me and a Spanakopitiropita (Spinach and Cheese filled Filo Pastry Pie)
me and a Spanakopitiropita (Spinach and Cheese filled Filo Pastry Pie)
 Went with my family to Toló, a beautiful beach side town with umbrellas that you can order tasty coffees, walk out pretty far in the water before it gets deep and enjoy warm and practically waveless water. Definitely worth you looking it up and taking a peak at getting out there. Also around are some super neato shops and restaurants.  



After we were so tired but enjoyed the evening together.