
Leaving from Argos we took a taxi ride to a port about an hour away since the seaplane wasn’t leaving from Nafplio area. We hopped on a little boat and arrived in the beautiful island in Spetses. 

 This is the area of the famed Bouboulina, a historic female figure that they have a wonderful little museum of her history. The streets are hugging the coast and have tons of scooters, people, and horse and buggys making their way from side to side. 

There are tons of little shops and restaurants so you are but a moments away from a seaside snack.   

  We took a 30 min bus ride to a little pebbled beach named Agia Anargiri. It has Bekiri cave, that you can either swim into or squeeze through a little opening and are treated to a really really cool spot. I will post more pictures of it later when I process everything but the story goes that it was a hiding place for the women and children during the 1800 war times when opposing forces were storming the beaches. 

 We stayed at Hotel Alexandris, alexandrishotel.com, perfectly located right next to when you are dropped off by the boat, and the view was fantastic. It was a great hub to all the shops and eateries.


 I highly suggest you put Spetses on your list of a place to visit at least once in your life, even for a day…I know I am going to come back again.