Day 2 Switzerland

Little cooler today but overall a wonderful day. My aunt, uncle and cousin took my father, mother and I around to different areas today. (Will update properly later)


Dont judge me Honey Bear
Dont judge me Honey Bear
Around the town and through the mountains
Around the town and through the mountains
A lake steamboat ride for lunch. This boat was super awesome and the food was super duper tasty. The ride halfway around the lake took about 1.5 hours and was a nice way to start the day and the ship itself has an open engine room to see the magic!


Ships passing on the lake
Ships passing on the lake
Ravioli on a boat? Fancy indeed!
Ravioli on a boat? Fancy indeed!
All the Swiss treats!!!
All the Swiss treats!!!
Chug-a-chug-a and it totally Woo-Woo-ed also!
Window to the paddles
Window to the paddles
Misty Deck
Misty Deck
After we did our tour we allied around town and then followed it with the worlds steepest cogwheel cart trip to the top of a mountain! It was unbeleivable from the breathtaking city sights and then seeing a mind-boggling feat of human engineering!


My aunt Anastasia and I on the cogwheel train returning from the mountain top
My aunt Anastasia and I on the cogwheel train returning from the mountain top
Ended the day with my father and I walking down to the lake one more time to dip my feet in the clear water.


Crossing the train station
Crossing the train station