
Once the flight arrived we sped through the baggage claim and were surprised that they didn’t check passports…I guess traveling within Europe maybe it’s not necessary. 

We hailed a taxi and before we knew it we arrived at my YiaYia Menis House. She lives pretty close to the Acropolis which will make a great hub for our travels around. 

Once we arrived, the elevator could only fit one person and luggage and when we got to her door, her sister and brother in law were all there and ready to gossip. 

They all prepared a tasty lunch of lamb, potatoes and salad! 


Greek Lunch
Greek Lunch

Dessert Time
Dessert Time
All the food was so amazing, we all needed a little nap and then we all had a snack and watched a classic, Esther Williams in Fiesta 1947, a beautiful film and if you haven’t seen it I highly suggest you treat yourself!


Fiesta  1947
Fiesta 1947